The explorer

The Explorer

The Explorer paradigm is one of the three Jungian prime examples that long for paradise. Its motto is "Don't fence me in". At its core, the Explorer wants the opportunity to discover its identity by searching as well as roaming the world. It wants a superior, more genuine and satisfying life. One of the most significant abilities of this archetype is being true to itself apart from being independent and ambitious.


Similar to all other archetypes, the Explorer model can also be segmented into different levels. The degree of development increases as we go from one level to another. The levels are:

•       Level 1 of the Explorer is described as simply getting out into the world and exploring it.

•       Level 2 takes it up a notch as now the Explorer starts looking inward trying to find one’s purpose in life. Basically, this is the beginning of its path towards self-actualization.

•       Level 3 is reached when one has achieved self-actualization and when one has the freedom to be completely true to oneself.


The Explorers are continually looking for self-acknowledgment. They need to find, investigate and act naturally. They long for an opportunity, having the capacity to be whom they need to be without limits. The Explorer needs reason or meaning in their life which they think can be availed by simply going out into the world and gaining from the surroundings.

In business, the Explorer drives its workers to come up with new ways of innovating and improving efficiency. They motivate individuals to discover new, energizing approaches to beat challenges. They are skilled at creating individuality with their brand.

The brand, Jeep says all that needs to be said through their outstanding commercial titled: 'Don't Hold Back'. It not only inspires you to explore and discover the intricacies of the world by purchasing a Jeep but also puts the focus on self-sufficiency and self-discovery – the key elements of the explorer brand archetype.

Another brand, Patagonia offers its clients the freedom to explore as evident from the numerous photographs as well as videos on its social media of people out on an adventure in Patagonia garments.


The Explorers are centered on self-disclosure as well as freedom, and they accomplish this by simply being curious, bold and valiant. They are not induced by commercials that talk about conformity. They identify with brands that advance self-disclosure and make them feel bold as well as invigorated. Consider for instance The North Face and Timberland – both outdoor product companies. These brands encourage people to head out into the world and explore.  The present target for these brands are the young and working experts; with their image, they advance self-articulation and peer acknowledgment.

Explorer's Customers

The customers of Explorer brands look for experience, opportunity and never want to get exhausted. They want to gain from their own oversights and wouldn't fret going out on a limb. They appreciate the mettle of the Explorer brand to never settle down and take their own unique path.


The Explorer archetype is normally curious and spends a lot of their time exploring thoughts and ideas. They are quite perceptive. Given that they are scholarly, methodical and inquisitive, they can handle complex ideas with ease. They likewise, in general, are strong, understanding and patient.

No limits

The explorer is always out meandering new locations, planning the next adventure. This is the sort of individual you can't fence in. Notwithstanding if nature is or isn't their thing, they’ll additionally explore urban areas, civilizations, societies, lost urban communities, sanctuaries, historical sites, and anything that offers even a tinge of excitement.

In short, the explorer is exploring limits. He/she jumps at the chance to break the limits. In the extreme case, this is the individual that pours over record books and finds the overlooked summit. He/she yearns to do the impossible. NASA's 2015 Year in review video basically sums it up as it says: "Off the Earth, For the Earth."


The Explorer, for the most part, doesn't need to work to defeat fear. Dread doesn't jump out at him/her. Truth be told, experiences with fear are rare groundbreaking occasions the adventurer doesn't anticipate. He/she is more agreeable with the obscure than the normal individual. It takes a brush with death to shake him/her to his core. The North Face, the retailer for high-performance open-air equipment, is continually pushing the limits of development so its customers can explore more.

In short, the explorer with his/her inquisitive nature is always eager to know what else is out there. On the off chance, if there's a fork in the trail to take, he generally would go down the two branches.

The explorer brands must not seem capricious in their wanderings and promote being an oddball. By marketing excitement, individuality, and a unique way of experiencing new things, explorer brands can increase their appeal to the right audience.  

Eivind Holum

About Eivind Holum:

Graphic & Web Designer

– based in Oslo.

Eivind Holum creates visual profiles, websites and hand made illustrations for corporations, entrepreneurs and individuals in Oslo that wants to create a powerful brand and thriving business.

Eivind J. Holum is an art director, graphic designer, and web designer. I provide premium visual identity work, logo designs for corporations and individuals. I can deliver everything within the graphic design category such as print, logos, visual profiles, brand guides as well as illustration and web design. My career in graphic design began with an interest in drawing by hand at a young age, I have always been fascinated with illustration and drawing, therefore graphic design and illustration was a natural path for me. I usually work for small to medium corporations who needs an hands-on approach that swiftly goes from ideation to execution.

The artist


The hero