The Rebel

The Rebel

The Rebel archetype portrays people who oppose oppression, challenge injustice, do not adjust to trends, and never shy away from doing something they believe in.

Rebels flourish in the music business, fashion design, cosmetics, and tech territories since they do not conform and continue to innovate.

Revolutionary and Radical

The Rebel archetype is a specialist in stimulating change. The revolutionary is not at all afraid of thinking out of the box. Instead, it finds it extremely exciting as well as fulfilling to transform and drive change for the better. A prime example of a revolutionary brand is PayPal. Yes, you might think that cryptocurrencies or even Apple Pay are the ‘real deals’ and the ones to watch out for but remember that PayPal rose to the top in solid outlaw style when there was no such payment concept. That was indeed revolutionary. Yes, radical brands have their appeal and they can be viewed as progressive but such brands must also remain cautious about becoming reckless.


While the quality of the Rebel archetype is their obsession, restraints are their shortcomings. This model has a notoriety for having a hot temper. They can rush to go overboard and are known for not thoroughly considering circumstances. Rebellious activities by definition aren't thoroughly as well as logically considered from start to the end. They are emotionally charged and at times even careless. The enthusiasm and passion of the Rebel come at a cost, and that cost is the internal shadow of the Rebel archetype. The Rebel longs for attention and consideration. Despite the fact that they might be innovative, dynamic, fun, even wild, Rebels frequently act in a certain way to get the attention of others. Harley-Davidson is the quintessential standard Outlaw brand.


The Maverick type of Rebel has certainty and confidence. They can run contrary to the natural order of things, state what should be said without worrying about what others will think and are prepared to remain solitary in their feelings. They live by their very own ethical code and are not at all afraid to be bold. They can likewise be very firm, rigid and antisocial people. Consider the example of Henry Ford – the founder of the Ford motor company. While people around the world still acknowledge his feats, it must be noted that he ran his company like a dictator. He was ruthless and even arrogant at times when he couldn’t get his own way.

The Rebel Customers

The Rebel buyers may feel like a castoff from the dominant society. Alienation is a trigger that can prompt resentment. Rebel customers get their kicks from taking part in risky conduct and may participate in self-destructive acts. Brands that need to get their hands on Rebel customers should check their dimension of extremism and act appropriately. Old Navy is one of the example of the Rebel brand archetype.


The Rebel isn't only for macho, chest-beating brands. The Rebel can have solid connections with the Creator archetype, making an Aesthetic Rebel brand identity. For example, Apple's notorious "Think Different" campaign and its tribute to the insane ones, the nonconformists, and the rebels speak for itself. Apple positioned itself as a company that was crafting change and empowering newcomers to make their mark inside a jam-packed industry by disrupting the present state of affairs. By letting everyone know this through their marketing campaigns they drastically changed perceptions about their brand. Safe to say, the campaign sure served them well.


LUSH is another remarkable Rebel brand and an intriguing company. LUSH's passionate level of commitment to their animal rights campaigns is unbelievable, especially because they are a company that sells cleanser and soaps. Unlike the macho universe of motorbikes possessed by Harley, they are significantly rebellious on the grounds that they exist in.

The Rebels at their best are valiant, versatile and free souls. They position themselves as an alternative to the status quo, trying to emerge. The Rebel archetype brands that are successful for the most part will have a religion like following. Its followers will mostly be individuals who have lost confidence in traditional things and are attracted by the Rebel's vitality, free-spirit, maverick nature, and boldness. 

Eivind Holum

About Eivind Holum:

Graphic & Web Designer

– based in Oslo.

Eivind Holum creates visual profiles, websites and hand made illustrations for corporations, entrepreneurs and individuals in Oslo that wants to create a powerful brand and thriving business.

Eivind J. Holum is an art director, graphic designer, and web designer. I provide premium visual identity work, logo designs for corporations and individuals. I can deliver everything within the graphic design category such as print, logos, visual profiles, brand guides as well as illustration and web design. My career in graphic design began with an interest in drawing by hand at a young age, I have always been fascinated with illustration and drawing, therefore graphic design and illustration was a natural path for me. I usually work for small to medium corporations who needs an hands-on approach that swiftly goes from ideation to execution.

The Magician


The everyman